Syrian Maritime Authority

Training and qualifying seafarers' crews and granting maritime certificates according to Law No. 34 of 2017

The General Organization for Training and Marine Rehabilitation carried out a training course for sailors from the crew of the ship "MERYGLYFADA" which is located in the port of Tartous, where the crew of the ship has three Indian sailors. The training was conducted in English and the Arabic translation of the Syrian crew in the course. In safety and security training, as well as training in engineering duties in the engine room of another vessel crew (RAOUF-H)

This step has been welcomed by maritime companies and sailors, as it saves time, effort and money, in addition to providing the necessary knowledge to the trainees and giving them the necessary certificates. The Foundation carries out the training courses by the trainers of the institution in the presence and supervision of the General Manager of sailors and surface officers and engineers, In the maritime field, the most important courses currently in place are the Naval Shift Officer Course and the Engineering Fault Course.


In a special statement to the Minister of Transport Eng. Ali Hammoud, he said: "The training comes from the fruits of Law No. 34 of 2017 issued by President Bashar al-Assad on the granting of marine certificates of all kinds nationally." Hamoud expressed his happiness with the presence of foreign crew within the group, Which allows our national cadres to communicate with them and disseminate marine knowledge, and to inform them on the scientific and training level in the Syrian Arab Republic.


This step has been welcomed by maritime companies and sailors, as it saves time, effort and money, in addition to providing the necessary knowledge to the trainees and giving them the necessary certificates. The Foundation carries out the training courses by the trainers of the institution in the presence and supervision of the General Manager of sailors and surface officers and engineers, In the maritime field, the most important courses currently in place are the Naval Shift Officer Course and the Engineering Fault Course.

In a special statement to the Minister of Transport Eng. Ali Hammoud, he said: "The training comes from the fruits of Law No. 34 of 2017 issued by President Bashar al-Assad on the granting of marine certificates of all kinds nationally." Hamoud expressed his happiness with the presence of foreign crew within the group, Which allows our national cadres to communicate with them and disseminate marine knowledge, and to inform them on the scientific and training level in the Syrian Arab Republic.